1 NGHS / English_____SAFETY data SHEETI ssuing Date 25-May-2017 Revision Date 24-May-2017 Revision Number 1 The supplier identified below generated this SDS using the UL SDS template. UL did not test, certify, or approve the substance described in this SDS, andall information in this SDS was provided by the supplier or was reproduced from publically available regulatory data sources. UL makes no representationsor warranties regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information in this SDS and disclaims all liability in connection with the use of this informationor the substance described in this SDS.
2 The layout, appearance and format of this SDS is 2014 UL LLC. All rights IDENTIFICATIONP roduct identifier Product NameEquate 826 Moisturizing Aloe Hand SanitizerOther means of identification Product Code(s)1396140_WMRecommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended UseHand sanitizerRestrictions on useNo information availableDetails of the supplier of the Safety data Sheet Supplier IdentificationVi-Jon Page AvenueSaint telephone number Company Emergency PhoneNumber180042493002. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONC lassification Flammable liquids_____Page 1 / 11 Category 3_____1396140_WM - Equate 826 Moisturizing Aloe HandSanitizerRevision Date 24-May-2017 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements WarningHazard statementsFlammable liquid and vaporPrecautionary Statements - PreventionKeep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.
3 No smokingKeep container tightly closedGround/bond container and receiving equipmentUse explosion-proof electrical/ ventilating/ lighting/ equipmentUse only non-sparking toolsTake precautionary measures against static dischargeWear protective gloves/eye protection/face protectionPrecautionary Statements - ResponseSkinIF ON SKIN (or hair): Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/ showerFireIn case of fire: Use CO2, dry chemical, or foam to extinguishPrecautionary Statements - StorageStore in a well-ventilated place. Keep coolPrecautionary Statements - DisposalDispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plantOther information Toxic to aquatic acute % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown toxicity0 % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute oral % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute dermal % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute inhalation toxicity (gas) % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute inhalation toxicity (vapor)0 % of the mixture consists of ingredient(s)
4 Of unknown acute inhalation toxicity (dust/mist)3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSS ubstance Appearance ClearPhysical state Gel LiquidOdor Alcohol_____Page 2 / 11_____1396140_WM - Equate 826 Moisturizing Aloe HandSanitizerRevision Date 24-May-2017 Not Chemical nameCAS-NoPercentHazardous MaterialInformation Review Actregistry number (HMIRA registry #)Date HMIRA filed anddate exemption granted(if applicable)Ethyl FIRST AID MEASURESF irst aid measures InhalationRemove to fresh contactRinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Keepeye wide open while rinsing.
5 Do not rub affected area. Remove contact lenses, if presentand easy to do. Continue contactWash off immediately with soap and plenty of water while removing all contaminatedclothes and mouth with water and drink afterwards plenty of of the first aiderRemove all sources of ignition. Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the Material (s)involved, take precautions to protect themselves and prevent spread of contamination. Usepersonal protective equipment as required. See section 8 for more important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed SymptomsNo information of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Note to physiciansTreat FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESS uitable Extinguishing MediaDry chemical.
6 Carbon dioxide (CO2). Water spray. Alcohol resistant extinguishing mediaCAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be hazards arising from thechemicalRisk of ignition. Keep product and empty container away from heat and sources of the event of fire, cool tanks with water spray. Fire residues and contaminated fireextinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with local Combustion ProductsCarbon DataSensitivity to Mechanical to Static protective equipment forfire-fightersFirefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full firefighting turnoutgear. Use personal protection 3 / 11_____1396140_WM - Equate 826 Moisturizing Aloe HandSanitizerRevision Date 24-May-20176.
7 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESP ersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Personal precautionsEvacuate personnel to safe areas. Use personal protective equipment as required. Seesection 8 for more information. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Ensure adequateventilation. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. ELIMINATE all ignition sources(no smoking, flares, sparks or flames in immediate area). Pay attention to flashback. Takeprecautionary measures against static discharges. All equipment used when handling theproduct must be grounded. Do not touch or walk through spilled InformationVentilate the and Material for containment and cleaning up Methods for containmentStop leak if you can do it without risk.
8 Do not touch or walk through spilled Material . A vaporsuppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. Dike far ahead of spill to collect runoffwater. Keep out of drains, sewers, ditches and waterways. Absorb with earth, sand or othernon-combustible Material and transfer to containers for later for cleaning upTake precautionary measures against static discharges. Dam up. Soak up with inertabsorbent Material . Pick up and transfer to properly labeled HANDLING AND STORAGEP recautions for safe handling Advice on safe handlingUse personal protection equipment. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid breathingvapors or mists.
9 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignitionsources. No smoking. Use grounding and bonding connection when transferring thismaterial to prevent static discharge, fire or explosion. Use with local exhaust spark-proof tools and explosion-proof equipment. Keep in an area equipped withsprinklers. Use according to package label for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage ConditionsKeep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away fromheat, sparks, flame and other sources of ignition ( , pilot lights, electric motors and staticelectricity).
10 Keep in properly labeled containers. Do not store near combustible in an area equipped with sprinklers. Store in accordance with the particular nationalregulations. Store in accordance with local EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONC ontrol parameters Exposure nameACGIH TLVOSHA PELNIOSH IDLHE thyl alcohol 64-17-5 STEL: 1000 ppmTWA: 1000 ppmTWA: 1900 mg/m3 IDLH: 3300 ppm 10% LELTWA: 1000 ppm_____Page 4 / 11_____1396140_WM - Equate 826 Moisturizing Aloe HandSanitizerRevision Date 24-May-2017(vacated) TWA: 1000 ppm(vacated) TWA: 1900 mg/m3 TWA: 1900 mg/m3 Chemical nameAlbertaBritish ColumbiaOntario TWAEVQ uebecEthyl alcohol 64-17-5 TWA: 1000 ppmTWA: 1880 mg/m3 STEL: 1000 ppmSTEL: 1000 ppmTWA: 1000 ppmTWA.
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